Fluids and Health 2022 – GRC 2022.

The Wellcome Trust becomes a partner of the inaugural Fluids and Health 2019 Conference!


We are grateful for the support and partnership of the Wellcome. The Wellcome exists to improve health by helping great ideas to thrive.

The Wellcome Trust takes on big health challenges, campaign for better science, and help everyone get involved with science and health research. It supports exploring fundamental questions about health and disease. Its founder, Sir Henry Wellcome, was a medical entrepreneur, collector and philanthropist and the activities of the Trust today reflect the breadth of his interests, and his conviction that health can be improved when research generates, tests and investigates new ideas. One of the world’s biggest challenges is how to be better prepared for the next major epidemic. Wellcome’s response is an example of how to work with academia, philanthropy, businesses, governments and civil society around the world to take on health challenges in many different, coordinated ways.

Wednesday, 2019, July 10

Important Information

Fluids and Health 2022
GRC: Fluids in Disease Transmission and Contamination
August 14 – August 19, 2022
Application  ==> Here

Organized at
Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA
Contact Information
To stay informed, subscribe to our mailing list.
Communicate with the organizers via email.
Conference Leadership:

Chair: Prof. L. Bourouiba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Co-Chair: Prof. E. Villermaux, Aix Marseille University

Vice-Chair: Prof. J. Koseff, Stanford University

Goals & History

Learn more about the goals and history of Gordon Research Conferences HERE.

More about the goals and history of the Fluids and Health events and network, HERE,  HERE and HERE.

Important Updates

UPDATE: Round 2 (and final round) of applications HERE!

Follow us on Twitter!